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Visual Arts ,Grade 12th,University/College Prepara...
Financial Accounting Principles,Grade 12th,Univers...
International Business Fundamentals,Grade 12th,Uni...
Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals,Grade...
English,Grade 12th,University Preparation (ENG4U)...
Biology,Grade 12th,University Preparation (SBI4U)...
Chemistry,Grade 12th,University Preparation (SCH4U...
Physics,Grade 12th,University Preparation (SPH4U)...
World History since the 15th Century,Grade 12th,Un...
Canadian and International Politics,Grade 12th,Uni...
The World of Fashion,Grade 12th,University/College...
Calculus and Vectors,Grade 12th,University Prepara...
Mathematics of Data Management,Grade 12th,Universi...
Advanced Functions,Grade 12th,University Preparati...
Computer Science,Grade 12th,University Preparation...